Les Yeux du Monde Gallery
In the news

April 2015

Russ Warren gave a gallery talk on Sunday, April 19 at 2 p.m. in the Baker Gallery at Woodberry Forest school about his survey exhibition,Russ Warren WORKS, 1971-2015. There was a Closing reception there on Sunday, 3 May from 2 - 4 pm.

March 2015

Susan Bacik's two venue survey exhibition at LYdM and Second Street Gallery is featured in an excellent article by David A. Mauer in the Daily Progress. Read the article here. She was also interviewed by Sandy Hausman on WVTF. Check out the interview here.

January 2015

Sam Abell's recent powerful photos from Cuba are featured in a wonderful article,Sam Abell: Cuba Up Close by Elizabeth Meade Howard in the online arts magazine Streetlight.

Thanks to the fantastic online arts magazine Streetlight's for recent blog on Lydia Gasman and the LCGA.

December 2014

Anne Chesnut's art was featured in Jane Haslem's last public exhibition after an impressive run of 55 years as a major gallery in Washington D.C. The opening was Friday, December at the Jane Haslem Gallery.

Sanda Iliescu has two shows opening this weekend. Her work is included in our current Picasso, Lydia and Friends 2014 exhibition and she has a solo show, Sanda Iliescu: In the Garden of (Plastic) Paradise opening in New York at the Gallery Molly Krom.

October 2014

Sarah Sargent wrote a brilliant review of our Anne Slaughter exhibition in the current C-ville Weekly. Read more here.

We recently found this excellent coverage of current exhibiting artist Anne Slaughter's 2006 retrospective at Second Street Gallery and Les Yeux du Monde in the online arts blog Streetlight.

September 2014

C-Ville. "The Gasman archives pay homage to artistic passion" by Sarah Lawson, 9/23/2014.

"In addition to her teaching, Gasman's work focused in sharp detail on the life and work of Picasso. Spending years decoding the artist's symbolism and texts, Gasman permanently changed the course of Picasso scholarship." Read more >

August 2014

Congratulations to Dean Dass whose prints were chosen for the 7th International Printmaking Biennial in Douro Portugal on view from 10 August through 31 October. To view video excerpts from this Biennial click here.

June 2014

"Artist Richard Crozier's works are subjects of change...change of seasons, change of light, change of landscape and skyline. Over the past four decades, he has produced more than 3000 "portraits" of the Charlottesville area in transition." Read more of Elizabeth Howard's great article about artist Richard Crozier in Streetlight, an online arts magazine that all who love art and literature will enjoy.

April 2014

"Trisha Orr's complex, tour de forces of fabric, objects, and flowers have earned high critical praise for many years. They are beautifully rendered, dispassionate works, and they reveal very little about the artist except that she is technically gifted and admires beauty." Read more >

C-Ville. "Setting pretty: The 18 most beautiful places in Charlottesville" by C-VILLE Writers, 4/09/2014.

"Stepping into Les Yeux du Monde, a contemporary art gallery owned by art dealer Lyn Bolen Warren and her husband, painter Russ Warren, one immediately understands the meaning of its name: the eyes of the world." Read more >

March 2014

C-Ville. "Les Yeux du Monde welcomes color in 'Visions of Spring' by Elizabeth Derby, 3/25/14.

"If you're tired of grey skies and slush, you might want to visit Les Yeux du Monde before the end of March." Read more >

February 2014

Thanks to Maria Hallas on NBC29 for covering our Valentine's Event last Sunday! Also see the great interview with Ellen Hathaway, who is the featured artist at LYdM through February 16, by the online television network Earless Rabbit.

January 2014

Anne Chesnut's print Winter Blackwork received a purchase award at the Delta National Small Prints Exhibition at Arkansas Sate University. Read more >

December 2013

C-Ville. "Dean Dass works to evoke a beautiful loneliness on earth and above it", by Sarah Sargent, 12/11/2013.

"The Dean Dass: New Paintings and Works on Paper exhibition on view at Les Yeux du Monde offers the double pleasure of Dass luscious landscapes paired with his more mystical media-rich works on paper. A professor of printmaking at UVA, Dass took up landscape painting in 1994 while on sabbatical in New Hampshire. He was drawn to the austerity of the lonely northern landscape, an affinity that continues to this day in his paintings of Virginia, Ireland, and Lapland." Read more >

October 2013

Washington Post.. "Galleries: 'Objects of Desire,' 'A Question in Printmaking,' 'Temperament/Monolith'", by Mark Jenkins, posted 10/25/2013.

"Both Anne Chesnut and Peter Milton employ digital technology to make their immaculate prints, but they use the process in different ways. 'A Question in Printmaking: Digital vs. Digital,' at Jane Haslem Gallery, contrasts the full-color imagery of Chesnut, who has always used computers, with the black and white visions of Milton, who came to them after decades of etching and engraving." Read more >

June 2013

"David Summers' scholarly contributions are well known in the history of art and ideas. The titles of some of his books reveal his wide-ranging and ambitious concerns: Michelangelo and the Language of Art, The Judgment of Sense: Renaissance Naturalism and the Rise of Aesthetics; Real Spaces. World Art History and the Rise of Western Modernism;..."
Read more at vaMODERN >

May 2013

Anne Chesnut
Anne Chesnut is showing in the third floor gallery at Martha Jefferson Hospital through October. She is in many other shows as well this summer and fall, at Jane Haslem Gallery, Yale and Xavier.

April 2013

Lindsey Oberg
LYdM is pleased to present Lindsey Oberg's encaustic collages in its Martha Jefferson Hospital temporary exhibition space opening on April 17.

February 2013

Elizabeth Bradford
LYdM is please to present NC artist Elizabeth Bradford's crisp colorful landscape paintings in its Martha Jefferson Hospital temporary exhibition space opening February 6.

December 2012

Virginia Modern. Les Yeux du Monde Gallery, by Josh McCullar, Posted 12/03/2012.

"On a sunny autumn Saturday afternoon in November, I took some time to visit Lyn Bolen Warren at her rural hilltop home and gallery twelve miles Northeast of downtown Charlottesville. It sits high and well away from the road leading up through a forest, and when rounding the final bend, what appears is the panorama of a Piedmont vista framed by two very unique modern buildings. On the left is villa-like series of residential pavilions for her family and on the right is a new art gallery designed by W G Clark sandwiched between walls translucent glass block and sheets of Corten steel. Beyond this is a gently sloping grassy meadow, and beyond that is a humble gable form horse barn set into the trees."

"All in all, it's just an amazing place to be - a true respite for one's soul. I left with the sense that Lyn is a special person with a purposeful vision, and I am thrilled to share her mission with you here." Read interview >

Susan Fleischmann
LYDM is pleased to announce the exhibition Susan Fleischmann: The Imagined Landscape in the first floor gallery of Martha Jefferson Hospital. The exhibition will be on display through December.

October 2012

We're excited to announce that LYDM's summer exhibition and performance by Rob Tarbell and Douglas Boyce, Bird-Like Things in Things Like Trees, is headed to the Big Apple. It will show at the venerable White Box, a nonprofit art space in New York on October 27th. For more information and to support the project, see the Kickstarter.com campaign >

September 2012

The Artizen Traveler Guide to Charlottesville, Virginia. Artist Profile: Russ Warren, Fall 2012, pages 11-19.

"Russ Warren is a Charlottesville fine artist who has been producing drawings, paintings and mixed media pieces since the early seventies and has exhibited extensively both in the US and abroad, including the Whitney Biennial in 1981 and the Venice Biennial in 1984. In looking over the body of his work, you see overlapping themes that spiral and resurface throughout the years - Picasso influences, southwest American, Spanish and South American influences, montages of collected materials, autobiographical sources. One of the big themes is his love and passion for music. I've met so many artists who've had to make tough decisions about directions for their creativity, which isn't typically limited to just one sense. In our interview, he had a few warm and telling stories about how one's innate creative passions are carved by circumstances and seemingly small events and exposures can make or break a direction." Read interview >

August 2012

C-Ville. "Picasso, Lydia and Friends" at Les Yeux du Monde, by Sarah Argent, 08/30/2012.

"Friday's opening of Picasso, Lydia and Friends, features the work of Anne Chesnut, Dean Dass, David Summers, Rosemarie Fiore, Russ Warren, Sanda Iliescu, Lydia Gasman and last but not least, Picasso. The exhibition heralds the advent of the Lydia Csato Gasman Archives for Picasso and Modernist Studies under the leadership of Lyn Bolen Warren and Victoria Beck Newman." Read more >

QR ArtGuide. Picasso, Lydia and Friends at Les Yeux du Monde.

"Professor Lydia Gasman, who died in 2010, was a renowned scholar and teacher of art history with a profound understanding of Picasso and his role in 20th century art and culture. This exhibition, organized by LYDM gallery director Lyn Bolen, connects and combines Gasman's work to that of former students - and to Picasso's work, also on view." Read more and listen to interviews >

July 2012

C-Ville. Rob Tarbell and Douglas Boyce fuse visual art and musical composition, by Sarah Sargent, Issue #24.28 :: 07/10/2012 - 07/16/2012.

A collaboration between visual artist Rob Tarbell and composer Douglas Boyce, Bird-like Things in Things Like Trees was conceived two summers ago during an artist residency at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts in Auvillar, France. While there, both men became captivated by a distinctive birdsong. Their unsuccessful quest to identify the bird became a kind of metaphor for their situation as strangers in a foreign land trying to figure out what people were saying and how to navigate an unfamiliar landscape. Read more >

April 2012

C-Ville. A brush with spring at Les Yeux du Monde, by Sarah Sargent, Issue #24.14 :: 04/03/2012 - 04/09/2012.

As spring rears its lovely head in Central Virginia, New Vistas at Les Yeux du Monde features five artists’ approach to landscape. Read more >

January 2012

Rob Tarbell
The Huffington Post. An Oxygen Mask And A Burning Credit Card: Rob Tarbell's Amazing 'Smoke Art' Technique, 27/01/2012.

Stood in a face mask and fire-proof overalls, Rob Tarbell burns a series of everyday items – credit cards, sometimes, or photographs – and watches the smoke snake upwards."

Anyone watching him might be tempted to call the fire service, unless they were to glance up and see what he's really doing –creating his latest batch of 'smoke art'."

By skilfully manipulating the flow as it rises, Tarbell 'draws' images onto hanging pieces of paper."

The results are these vivid portrayals of circus animals, a series he calls Smoke Rings." Read more >

Rob Tarbell
Daily Mail. That's one way to burn a living: The artist who creates amazing pictures using SMOKE, by Nick Enoch, 26 January 2012.

"At first glance, these works look like standard charcoal-smudged paintings."

"That's close, but no cigar - because they have, in fact, been created by smoke."

"The amazing pictures were created by Rob Tarbell, who achieved the effect by burning everyday objects, such as photos and credit cards, and then capturing the smoke on paper attached to the ceiling." Read more >

December 2011

LYDM is happy to be part of the Virginia Tourism website. We are working together to bring visitors from all over the world to enjoy our Virginia's abundant natural and cultural resources.

November 2011

Focus on the Print. "About Focus on the Print".

During November and December, 2011 a group of galleries in Central Virginia, along the Route 20N corridor from Charlottesville to Orange, will host a "Focus on the Print," featuring the work of regional printmakers.

Since ancient times the urge to replicate images has been a goal of artists. Before the invention of the printing press methods were invented to duplicate artwork, such as cast seals and relief carvings. They were often used to disseminate information, religious, political, and cultural, to the masses. Read more >

August 2011

Russ Warren
C-Ville. Magic touch: Inside the funny, scary world of Russ Warren, by Brendan Fitzgerald, Issue #23.32 :: 08/09/2011 - 08/15/2011.

One night in 1973, Russ Warren went to his Houston home, pulled a large sheet of paper from a stack, and composed a grid—dozens and dozens of 1.5" squares. He sharpened one pencil, another, another. He gathered brushes, watercolor paints, and India ink at his kitchen table.

"I said, 'I'm going to stay up all night long until I have a picture in every one of these squares,'" said Warren.

It took all night. He started at 8pm, and finished at 4:30am, a half-hour before he needed to be at his next odd job. He left for work without looking at the paper. Read more >

Kurt Steger
The 9/11 Arts Project. "Ten Years After 9/11".

"Ten Years After 9/11" will feature works whose contextual concerns from the ten year period since 9/11 create multiple points of view and conversations. The invited artists include inter-generational and established artists who have given generously to the greater metropolitan and international community. The exhibition gathers artists whose work explores the human condition with all its various tensions, uniting direct experiences, cultural paths, social and political concerns, and penetrating universal meanings and questions that our world(s) ask us to consider since September 11, 2001.

The artists invited to exhibit are: Saadi Al Kaabi, Ahmed Alkarkhi, Shahla Arbabi, Ken Ashton, Billy Colbert, Combat Papermakers/Drew Cameron, Brian Counihan, Frank Hallam Day, Joan Danziger, Alexander Djikia, Bill Dunlap, William Dunlap, Michael D. Fay, Helen Frederick, Chawky Frenn, Ann Glover, Alison Hall, Pinkney Herbert, Victor Juhasz, Jeffrey Kent, Bridget Sue Lambert, Adam Lister, Despina Meimaroglou, Michael Pestel, Matt Pinney, Michael B. Platt, Phyllis Plattner, Annette Polan, Raoul Middleman, David Richardson, Patrick Sargent, Brian Sentman, Peter Sowiski, Kurt Steger, Erwin Thamm, Leonid Tishkov, Sean Watkins, Sue Wrbican, Workingman's Collective.
Download press release >

July 2011

Each summer, Wintergreen Performing Arts presents the Wintergreen Summer Music Festival and Academy. The 2011 Wintergreen Summer Music Festival and Academy will take place from July 6-August 7, 2011 at Wintergreen Resort in Wintergreen, Virginia.

Other highlights: Picasso's Mediterranean Revels: Prints from 1946-62, presented in collaboration with Les Yeux du Monde in Charlottesville, Virginia. An exhibition of prints by Pablo Picasso from the years after World War II when Picasso’s art and life experienced a rebirth. Read more >

May 2011

John Grant
The Best Portfolio Prize is awarded to John Grant, from the USA, for Fairy Tales and Reveries, a collection of six incredible images exploring the boundaries between photography and art. John's brilliantly detailed portfolio displays a dream-like quality whilst using botanical subjects to illustrate the theme of movement and the passage of time. The Best Portfolio Award is sponsored by the Royal Photographic Society. John is awarded a Royal Photographic Society Gold Medal and £2,000.
View images >

April 2011

John McCarthy
C-Ville. John McCarthy: A retrospective; Les Yeux Du Monde; April 22-June 5, by Peter Barnes, Issue #23.17 :: 04/26/2011 - 05/02/2011.

"Blue Ridge vistas swaddle Les Yeux Du Monde’s hilltop perch from all sides. Their subtle grace is evident in the way tidy fields give way to trees, which give way to hills building, to the horizon like overlapping banter in a gauzy southern drawl. It’s a landscape hard to capture in words and, I imagine, even harder to paint."

"John Montgomery McCarthy took to the challenge with the focused discipline of a lawyer preparing for trial. From the mid-1990s, when the well-regarded litigator retired from the state attorney general’s office, McCarthy channeled his intellect into capturing the colors and sensations of central Virginia in paintings and prints." Read more >

March 2011

Sarah Sargent published an article about architect W.G. Clark who designed the new LYDM gallery. Read article >

December 2010

Megan Marlatt
Artnosh. "Toys and Tondos," by Sarah Sargent, December 11, 2010.

I went to the Athenaeum in Alexandria, Virginia this week to see Megan Marlatt's show, Molded from Complicated Mixtures, which includes her tondos of various cartoon characters, and drawings and large-scale paintings of toys. Read more >

November 2010

The Hook. Known for combining unusual media, ranging from cut Japanese paper to gold leaf and rust, Witt creates complexly layered paintings that center on archetypal religious symbols. Read more >

C-Ville. Clay Witt's images stand out, not just for his painstaking approach to creating them, but in the literal sense... Read more >

September 2010

Russ Warren will given a gallery talk entitled From Allen's Landing to Magic Mountain in which he will discuss his latest paintings within the larger context of his 40+ year career at Hodges Taylor in NC on September 30th. More details >

Sanda Iliescu has a major site-specific piece, Lines of Darkness and Light, at the Rotunda for the Day of Dialogue at the University of Virginia on Friday, September 24. For details about this public art project, see event website >

June 2010

Daily Progress, "Adding Myth and Magic to Art," by Wendy Edwards, June 24, 2010.

Daily Progress, "Adding Myth and Magic to Art," by Wendy Edwards, June 24, 2010.

"People always ask you where your influences come from and where your first exposure to art comes into play,' says Russ Warren, a Charlottesville-based artist who has painted magic realism for more than half his life. Warren's first impressions arrived at a very young age when what was only meant to keep a wall from looking bare became a springboard for his curiosity." Read more >

May 2010

Gallery artist John Grant is featured in The Light Factory's Third Juried Annuale through August 15 in Charlotte. "Grant's luscious images, with their seductive, glossy surfaces, are probably the most attention-grabbing in the show..." Read more >

February 2010

Lydia Gasman
The New York Times. "Lydia Csato Gasman, Picasso Scholar, Dies at 84," by Roberta Smith, February 6, 2010.

"Lydia Csato Gasman, an art historian known for her groundbreaking scholarship on the work of Picasso, died on Jan. 15 in Charlottesville, Va. She was 84 and lived in Charlottesville..." Read more >

Lydia Gasman
C-Ville. "Works by Lydia Gasman, who died last month, show at Les Yeux du Monde: As it must, the show goes on, by Andres Cedermark, Issue #22.06: 2/9/-2/15/2010.

“I went after last week’s snowfall to Les Yeux du Monde, the gallery Lyn Warren runs on the property of her Albemarle County home. She met me in a Jeep at the mailbox at the bottom of her driveway, and shuttled me up the snow-covered path to the home she shares with husband Russ Warren, where the W.G. Clark-designed gallery, covered in rust, stands. I went to see for myself an exhibit Lyn had arranged, called “Philosophers and Painters,” which features works by David Summers—a Renaissance expert at UVA and painter on the side, whose clever studies in light reference artists from Charles Wright to Caravaggio—but mostly the recent works of Lydia Gasman, a renowned Picasso scholar and popular professor of art history at UVA who died last month at the age of 84.”

”Contained in the exhibit is a series of 16 works that Gasman painted in 2009 alone, the last year of her life,…" Read more >

January 2010

Check out the great Charlottesville blog, Scout, Susie Matheson has started and what she says about Les Yeux du Monde. Read blog >

December 2009

Russ Warren
C-ville Weekly, "From Magic Mountain;" Russ Warren; Les Yeux du Monde, "He's a "Magic' man." Issue #21.50 :: 12/15/2009 - 12/21/2009

The title of Russ Warren’s show at Les Yeux du Monde, From Magic Mountain, alludes to the early twentieth century novel by Thomas Mann, wherein a young shipbuilder-to-be heads to a sanatorium in the Swiss Alps and winds up staying for seven years in a haze of indolent revelation. The experience of viewing Warren’s paintings is similar to Hans Castorp’s arrival: There is much to contemplate, and you wind up staying in Lyn Bolen Warren’s amazing gallery space, high up off of Route 20 with beautiful views of the Blue Ridge, for longer than you had intended.
Read more >

September 2009

LYDM Gallery
C-ville Weekly, "While we're talking art openings...." by Brendan Fitzgerald, Issue # 21:37, September 15, 2009

"Feedback bumped into artist Russ Warren and Les Yeux du Monde director Lyn Warren at the Bayly, and the couple shared that their new exhibition space–a W.G. Clark-designed building that will function as both a gallery and studio space for Russ–will open to the public on Friday, October 9. The first show? A collection of works by U.Va. Art Department chair Dean Dass. Looking forward to it, you two."

Dean Dass
Dean Dass just returned from Helsinki Finland where he participated in the 12th International Print Triennial at the Jyväskylä Art Museum. His collaborative group of artists, the "Printmakers Left" presented material from the second of their three volume project, Exquisite History (ex:hi), The New World. The book was published by the University of Virginia Press and is available through the gallery. The inaugural exhibition of the new Les Yeux du Monde will feature Dass's new paintings and prints, many of which also were inspired by his time in Finland and in the Lapland above the Arctic Circle.

John Grant
John Grant will have an exhibition of his latest series, Fairytales and Reveries at Second Street Gallery in October. For this show he is taking his process a step further, mounting his works on boxes which are then flood-coated with resin. The highly contemporary, frameless, mirror finish adds a sense of depth and drama to the imagery. The more traditional prints on paper which some will prefer, are available through LYdM. A portion of the proceeds will go to the non-profit Second Street Gallery.

Shelby Fischer
Shelby Fischer is busy as well. Check out her installation, L'esprit de l'escalier outside the V. Earl Dickenson Building at Piedmont Virginia Community College opening on September 11 through November 4. She will also be the featured artist's speaker at Second Street Gallery on October 6. She will also have a piece in the one night only exhibition at PVCC, on December 11, Let There be Light.

Robert Tarbell
Robert Tarbell's new work, Smoke Rings, is on view through October 31 at Gallery Imperarto, Baltimore.

November 2008

Sam Abell
Sam Abell will discuss his new book, The Life of a Photograph, at LYDM Gallery's Collectors Club as well as public slide show and talk on November 24 at the gallery. The book was recently reviewed; "Life Lit Up is the Essence of Photography", Daily Progress, November 16, 2008; by David A. Maurer who wrote:

"In more than 50 years of taking photographs, nearly 35 of them as a staff photographer for National Geographic, Abell has captured myriad memorable images. To his thinking only two have reached perfection, one of them being what has become widely known as the “Red Bucket” picture.

This piercing photograph, along with nearly 200 others from Abell’s public as well as personal body of work, appear in the just released book, The Life of a Photograph. Published by National Geographic, Abell’s words and images combine to answer the elusive question of what creates the spark that gives life to a photograph." Read more >

Nicole Noelle
Les Yeux du Monde hosted a holiday trunk show, Sabbatical Travels, featuring the new collection of Nicole Noelle's jewelry. Nicole traveled in Europe this spring for 4 months collecting wonderful materials for her signature pieces. A review of Nicole's recent designs appeared in The Daily Progress, Thursday, November 20, 2008; "Trunk show treasures have a string" by David Maurer.

"When I started to feel a need to do something creative I started making jewelry. Fairly quickly I knew I wanted it to be more than a hobby. When Lyn [Bolen Warren] opened Les Yeux du Monde, I brought in my jewelry.

"The art was going up and the jewelry just fit. So for eight years I've had my own little space for my jewelry and it has been wonderful."
Read more >

October 2008

Cary Brown
This is the last chance to see Cary Brown's exhibition, The Birds Sang Light and Other Messages of Wonder at the Washington Cancer Institute in Washington D.C. through November 4. Thirty-five % of sales will benefit the Smith Farm Center for the Healing Arts' artist-in-residence program.

Shelby Fischer
Laura Parson reviewed Shelby Fischer's exhibition, Eternal Now, on view at LYDM Gallery through November 1 in the October 16 issue of The Hook. She writes: "Meticulously composed, Fischer's often humorous works visually express her own mental ramblings, which wander through nursery rhymes, emotional quandaries, supernatural experiences, and spiritual speculation. The clipped images and small objects she incorporates are often laden with nostalgia. What emerges are fantastical moments of magical realism, in which humans and animals often interact as equals and the miraculous is commonplace.".

Anne Chesnut
Through November 20, gallery artist Anne Chesnut's work is included in Drawn to Washington at Pyramid Atlantic and co-presented by The Washington Print Club. Shelly Langdale, Associate Curator of Prints and Drawings, Philadelphia Museum of Art, write in her exhibition essay: “Interestingly, both monotype and relief techniques require a directness in mark making that belies the latest printmaking technologies involving digital formats. One could easily perceive this as a conscious reaction against technological developments, however, may gastritis, such as Anne Chesnut (whose digital print Punctuated: Asterisk is on view here), interestingly employ lithography, woodcut, or other print media in the creation of their work which is digitally printed in its final form. So while some artists may be attracted to the immediacy of gouging into a block of wood, or applying pigment directly onto a sheet of glass or metal to produce a monotype, there seems to be a growing acceptance of exploring all print media as fodder for producing the desired image. Embracing digital techniques doesn't necessarily require the abandonment of more traditional ones.”

Her prints are also on view through November 7 at Xavier University Art Museum, Cincinnati.

September 2008

Martha Saunders
Martha Saunders' latest exhibition, Oscillating Vistas, is on view at Lorrie Saunders' ArtGallery, Norfolk VA through October 25. Saunders captures the layered subtleties of thought, embedding a variety of diverse media beneath the pigmented wax that encases her paintings, while simultaneously using this same dimensional composition to establish a strong physical terrain for the viewer to traverse.

July 2008

Cary Brown
Cary Brown's current exhibition, The Birds Sang Light and Other Messages of Wonder, is on the move too. It travels this summer to the National Institutes of Health (Bethesda, MD) and can be seen there from July 4 – August 8, 2008. Then is will be at the Washington Cancer Institute (DC) from September 4 – November 4. The exhibition is curated by Lilllian Fitzgerald.

Anne Chesnut
Anne Chesnut's work is included in the exhibition New Prints 2008/Summer Artist’s Commentary at International Print Center New York (ICPNY), June 26 - August 1.

The exhibition is the twenty-eighth presentation of IPCNY’s New Prints Program, a series highlighting contemporary prints made within the past year and represents a cross-section of some of the most exceptional printmaking today. For this presentation, print selections were loosely grouped around the theme of artists’ responses to the current social and political climate.

Her work can also be seen this summer at small works exhibition at The Arkell Museum, Canajoharie, NY and in Celebration at the Fredericksburg Center for Creative Arts, Fredericksburg VA. And, in the current issue of Piedmont Virginian.

Donna Mintz
Donna Mintz's latest paintings will be a featured exhibit at LYDM during the '08-09 season. Through July 12th some of her new work can be seen in Atlanta at Sandler Hudson Gallery. Catherine Fox, of the Atlanta Journal Constitution, writes about Mintz's drought-inspired painting, sculpture, and installation: "This show was inspired by what she discovered in the parched lake [Lake Lanier] bed when the waters receded over the past year. The porcelain shard, the arrowhead, the arm of a porcelain doll — these talismans of the past are the subject and materials of her installations and the impetus for a promising new direction in her paintings." Read more >

May 2008

John McCarthy
Les Yeux du Monde is very sad to report that one of our artists, John McCarthy, died suddenly of a heart attack at his home on Friday, May 9. Before he began his career in painting, he worked as an attorney in Richmond and then as a senior assistant attorney general for Virginia. His knowledge and love of art was unquenchable. He will be sorely missed.

Jeremy Slayton of the Richmond Times Dispatch writes: "Toward the end of his legal career, Mr. McCarthy became interested in art, and took workshops under artist Wolf Kahn. From there, Mr. McCarthy evolved into a prolific artist..." Read full article >

Daily Progress: "...Mr. McCarthy was also an accomplished artist known for his contemporary Virginia landscape." Read article >

April 2008

Irwin Berman
*The rejection of Irwin Berman's stool, The Great Seal Trophy Stool by the University of Virginia Art Museum for its exhibition of his work entitled: Sedentary Pleasures: Uncommon Stools by Irwin Berman and of the accompanying short film The Great "Seal" of Virginia created with help from UVa alums Michael Wartella and Sam Retzer and associate professor of art William Bennett has been in the news.

Brian McNiell writes in the Daily Progress, "UVa Mascot Fails the Smell Test", May 2: "An exhibit opening Saturday at the University of Virginia Art Museum will be missing one colorful piece — a short film and sculpture that depict a pile of orange and blue dog poop." Read more >

Breedan Fitzgerald follows the story for Cville, May 2: "Update: UVa Art Museum was o.k. to "edit" fake poop, says artist." Read more >
And, reviews the film and exhibits in the May 6 Issue: "On a table in the center of Les Yeux’s gallery stood a milking stool, modest in size and design. On top of the stool, seated like the world’s most obedient canine, was a mass of blue and orange..." Read more >

Aggie Zed
During May and June, gallery artist Aggie Zed's exhibition "Bestiary" featuring drawings and sculpture will be on view at Nina Liu and Friends. The gallery is located in the historic Poinsett House, 24 State Street , Charleston, South Carolina.

March 2008

Megan Marlatt & Anne Chesnut
Artists Megan Marlatt and Anne Chesnut will give Gallery talks on Tuesday, March 18 at 6 and 6:30 p.m in the gallery. There will be light refreshments served. Les Yeux du Monde is serving as the host gallery for Douglas Dunn while he is in Charlottesville. His performance in the Ix building at 8 p.m. on this same evening.
Read Dunn press release (pdf) >
Read Marlatt & Chesnut release (pdf) >

February 2008

Dean Dass
The Piedmont Virginian, the new quarterly celebrating the region, winter issue featured gallery artist Dean Dass in the article "The Land in Winter". See web slide show >

Anne Chesnut
Prints by gallery artist Anne Chesnut were featured in the Washington Post Express' Weekend Pass: "Animal Alphabets: Anne Chesnut makes digital prints then hand sews them together to create kinda wry, kinda delightful works such as this creature-crawly 'Toys'... Download (pdf) >

Lydia Gasman
Piedmont Council of the Arts notes, "Lydia Gasman recently published book, War and the Cosmos in Picasso's Writings will be available for purchase" during her exhibition, Homes of the Homeless on view through March, "and has been credited in The New York Review of Books as "the only Picasso scholar" to have deciphered his writings and paintings...". Download (pdf) >

January 2008

pshchoPEDIA features Les Yeux du Monde
Les Yeux du Monde Gallery was featured in the online magazine psychoPEDIA's story on Charlottesville with local actress and singer Schuyler Fisk. Read more >

Anne Chesnut
Gallery artist Anne Chesnut's current exhibit, "Conjunction | new media prints", is on view at Jane Haslem Gallery in Washington, DC through February 15, 2008. For more information on the exhibition, see Jane Haslem Gallery's website.

December 2007

Dean Dass
"Mesmerizing rivers run through solo show"
By Ruth Latter, Daily Progress, December 13, 2007

Among the most popular paintings in the history of art are those that pay homage to nature. We seldom tire of beautiful views gently caressed with sunlight. When sensitively executed, they invite our prolonged contemplation. Several paintings sumptuously rendered in oil pigments on linen by Dean Dass, a prominent professor of art at the University of Virginia, celebrate unspoiled scenes of various rivers in this region. Read more >

Megan Marlatt
"Embracing the Imagery of Early Childhood"
By Benjamin Genocchio, New York Times, Sunday, December 23, 2007

Then there is Megan Marlatt, who paints broken and discarded toys piled up as if on a giant rubbish heap. Her paintings embody some of the more serious issues raised by this show, like consumerism, wastefulness and a reliance on cheap imports. Read more >

November 2007

Rob Tarbell
Rob Tarbell is currently exhibiting works at ADA gallery in Richmond. The show opened November 16, 2007 through the new year. In addition, Rob has recently published two pieces from the Les Yeux du Monde Gallery's August show, "Emerging + Established", in a new print exhibition publication Studio Visit, the same publishing house that distributes the New American Press.

October 2007

Lincoln Perry
"Fantasy Island. Perry doesn't fear the reaper"
By Brendan Fitzgerald, C'ville, Issue #19.42 :: 10/12/2007 - 10/18/2007

Fantasy Festival started in Key West, Florida, from a conversation between friends in 1978. For a week or so before Halloween, the city becomes a roving cast of characters....And, while nudity is explicitly prohibited in Key West, the costumes find innovative ways to suggest skin. As a result, the Fantasy Fest website offers this guideline for would-be photographers.... The festival planners didn't take Charlottesville's renowned muralist, Lincoln Perry , into account when drafting the rules... Read more >

September 2007

Stefanie Newman
"First Impressions: What a relief to find the perfect Medium?"
By David Maurer, Daily Progress, September 27, 2007

Art can move people or stop them in their tracks. For nearly a month, pedestrians strolling by Les Yeux du Monde have dropped in just to get a closer look at the exhibit hanging in the Charlottesville gallery. "I've never seen anything like this before... Read more >


2006See this excellent coverage of Anne Slaughter's 2006 retrospective at Second Street Gallery and Les Yeux du Monde in the online arts blog Streetlight.