> Previous Exhibitions > 2007 > Stefanie Newman | Reconstructing Art History and Deborah Kahn & Esmé Thompson | Painting
Stefanie Newman
Reconstructing Art History
Deborah Kahn & Esmé Thompson
7 - 29 September 2007
11 - 5, Tuesday - Saturday, and by appointment
Special Preview with the Artists
Thursday, 6 September | 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Friday Opening
7 September | 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Stefanie Newman. After Edouard Manet’s The Railway, 2005.
Acrylic on bristol board, foam core and rice paper.
30 tall x 30 wide x 7 deep inches.
To view more, see artist's page >

Deborah Kahn. Untitled, 2006.
Oil on canvas, 20 x 16 inches.
To view more, see artist's page >

Esmé Thompson. After Pisanello, 2006. Acrylic on board,
11 x 10 inches.
To view more, see artist's page >
Press release