Sanda Iliescu

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Swallows, 1995
Colored pencil, graphite, and metal office staples on paper,
39 in x 21 /39 x 25 inches (framed)

To watch a swallow sweep above one's head is to receive the sharp, sudden sensation of a point slicing the air, tracing an infinitely brief line. Dense flocks of swallows produce a dizzying accumulation of these lines. Often, the flight of each bird seems wanton, unrelated to the others. Yet during early evenings when flocks thin out, patterns emerge: one swallow mirrors exactly the flight of another; two birds describe precisely parallel arcs. Each spring, hundreds of swallows overtake the courtyard of the American Academy in Rome. I watched them and sketched the lines they traced across the court: the shallow arcs and tight loops, the swift crisscrossing and swirling. Watching was exhausting to the eye. I was not surprised to find that the ancient Romans associated swallows with eyesight. In De Medicamentis, Marcellus writes:

... When you see your first swallow, immediately run without speaking to a spring and drench your eyes with water; ask god that you have no eye aches for the year, and that swallows carry away any pain in your eyes.

Swallows by Sanda Iliescu at Les Yeux du Monde Gallery

Sanda Iliescu. Swallows, 1995
Colored pencil, graphite, and metal office staples on paper,
39 in x 21 /39 x 25 inches (framed)

Swallows by Sanda Iliescu at Les Yeux du Monde Gallery

Sanda Iliescu. Swallows, 1995
Colored pencil, graphite, and metal office staples on paper,
39 in x 21 /39 x 25 inches (framed)

Swallows by Sanda Iliescu at Les Yeux du Monde Gallery

Sanda Iliescu. Swallows, 1995
Colored pencil, graphite, and metal office staples on paper,
39 in x 21 /39 x 25 inches (framed)

Swallows by Sanda Iliescu at Les Yeux du Monde Gallery

Sanda Iliescu. Swallows, 1995
Colored pencil, graphite, and metal office staples on paper,
39 in x 21 /39 x 25 inches (framed)

Swallows by Sanda Iliescu at Les Yeux du Monde Gallery

Sanda Iliescu. Swallows, 1995
Colored pencil, graphite, and metal office staples on paper,
39 in x 21 /39 x 25 inches (framed)

Swallows by Sanda Iliescu at Les Yeux du Monde Gallery

Sanda Iliescu. Swallows, 1995
Colored pencil, graphite, and metal office staples on paper,
39 in x 21 /39 x 25 inches (framed)

Swallows by Sanda Iliescu at Les Yeux du Monde Gallery

Sanda Iliescu. Swallows, 1995
Colored pencil, graphite, and metal office staples on paper,
39 in x 21 /39 x 25 inches (framed)

Swallows by Sanda Iliescu at Les Yeux du Monde Gallery

Sanda Iliescu. Swallows, 1995
Colored pencil, graphite, and metal office staples on paper,
39 in x 21 /39 x 25 inches (framed)


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