Taliaferro Logan

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Artist's statement: Georgianna Waxes

This work results from the exploration of the book Georgianna, written by my grandmother, Faye Logan. Although proclaimed as a work of fiction, this novel is actually an autobiography. Self-educated, she wrote it in one draft, without rereading or editing her work. The resulting family confessional is a labor of love and an intriguing stream of consciousness and memories that bring to bear tensions between historical truth and fiction. This series is inspired by the discovery, documentation and own relationship to family tales and secrets that were once heresy.

  “Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities, truth isn’t”
—Mark Twain


  wax (waks) n. 1.a yellow substance that bees make and use for building honeycomb; beeswax.

wax (waks) v. 1. To get larger, stronger, fuller

These encaustic paintings are the first in a series representing characters from the book Georgianna. I parallel my grandmother’s desire to keep the identity of her family members anonymous and thereby render their history fictitious. Although the individuals portrayed in these paintings are revealed by the titles, visually, they are anonymous. They have become featureless silhouettes of family memories preserved in the protective medium of wax.

Artist website

  www.taliaferrologan.com >>


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